“The Pilot’s Advisor” and “Pilots Retire Early”

Reveals the 9 Critical Decisions When Retiring and the 7 Lessons To Help Pilots Land Safely In Retirement.

“Light the Afterburners On Your 401K”


“The Pilot’s Advisor” and “Pilot’s Retire Early”

Reveals the 9 Critical Decisions When Retiring and the 7 Lessons To Help Pilots Land Safely In Retirement.

We’ve Helped Many of These Employees Light the Afterburners On Their Retirement:*

Why work with the Pilot’s Advisor?

Financial and retirement planning guidance from pilot and financial advisor Ryan Fleming. The show will help you figure out how to take your financial plan from takeoff to landing with smooth sailing along the journey. We’ll teach both pilots and non-pilots what it takes to have a successful financial future. The Pilot’s Advisor Podcast will answer your questions about 401(k)s, IRAs, taxes in retirement, long term care needs and much more.

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The Pilot’s Advisor Podcast

Financial and retirement planning guidance from pilot and financial advisor Ryan Fleming. The show will help you figure out how to take your financial plan from takeoff to landing with smooth sailing along the journey. We’ll teach both pilots and non-pilots what it takes to have a successful financial future. The Pilot’s Advisor Podcast will answer your questions about 401(k)s, IRAs, taxes in retirement, long term care needs and much more.

FedEx Pilots

Want to improve your Fidelity 401K?

Let us show you how. Learn about our “FedEx 401K Afterburner Program.”

The Pilot’s Advisor

Why work with Ryan Fleming? As a pilot himself, Ryan understands the retirement goals of pilots. In his latest book, The Pilot’s Advisor, Ryan talks about why pilot’s need specific financial advice.

Airline Pilots

401k plan’s have many options to improve your retirement. Are you taking advantage of them? Are you going to be a part of the 0% tax bracket in retirement?  Let us show you how!

Do Your Mutual Funds “Talk” To Each Other?

They Should…

Say one mutual fund is selling Apple while another is buying Apple.

Inefficient. Costing you $$$.

It’s called overlap and happens ALL THE TIME. Eliminate overlap and have tons more fun at retirement.

Do Your Mutual Funds “Talk” To Each Other?

They Should…

Say one mutual fund is selling Apple while another is buying Apple. Inefficient. Costing you $$$. It’s called overlap and happens ALL THE TIME.

Eliminate overlap and have tons more fun at retirement.

The “The Pilot’s Advisor®” LLC likes an approach called Free Market Investment Strategy that is based on sixty years of Nobel Prize winning research.

Free Market Portfolio Theory is the synthesis of three academic principles:

Efficient Market Hypothesis      |      Modern Portfolio Theory     |     The Three-Factor Method

Together these concepts form a powerful, disciplined and diversified approach to investing. The result is globally diversified portfolios including over 32,000 equities spread across forty-two countries, designed and engineered to capture market rates of return over specific time horizons. This approach will help the investor achieve true investment “peace of mind.”

The “The Pilot’s Advisor, LLC®” utilizes an approach called Free Market Investment Strategy that is based on sixty years of Nobel Prize winning research.

Free Market Portfolio Theory is the synthesis of three academic principles:

Efficient Market Hypothesis      |      Modern Portfolio Theory     |     The Three-Factor Method

Together these concepts form a powerful, disciplined and diversified approach to investing. The result is globally diversified portfolios including over 32,000 equities spread across forty-two countries, designed and engineered to capture market rates of return over specific time horizons. This approach will help the investor achieve true investment “peace of mind.”