If They Can Predict the Weather, Why Not the Stock Market?

Several years ago, meteorologist Joel Gratz did just that. He tested the Almanac’s predictions for winter weather against actual measurements and found that it was right about half the time. That’s roughly what you’d expect from a series of coin flips. Meanwhile it missed major climatic events, like the severe drought in California, which would have been very useful to know about in advance.3

- http://go.pardot.com/e/91522/topic-augury/8163bg/1650743266?h=0VOtnBtzaLFKIKGwZchgTVYkTV8VC8el3eRVRjgMSiY
- http://go.pardot.com/e/91522/rs-almanac-winter-predictions-/8163bk/1650743266?h=0VOtnBtzaLFKIKGwZchgTVYkTV8VC8el3eRVRjgMSiY
- http://go.pardot.com/e/91522/-we-trust-the-farmer-s-almanac/8163bn/1650743266?h=0VOtnBtzaLFKIKGwZchgTVYkTV8VC8el3eRVRjgMSiY