What Leads to Investing Mistakes?

Being a better investor doesn’t require you to spend hours and hours researching the latest trends and market data. The most important change people can make is taking emotions out of their decision-making. It’s much easier said than done, which is why we see people make these same emotional mistakes time and time again.

By |2024-04-03T13:25:41+00:00April 4th, 2024|Podcasts|Comments Off on What Leads to Investing Mistakes?

What should I do with my Delta profit sharing bonus?

Delta paid out a large profit-sharing bonus this month, which is great for those pilots who received a check on Valentine’s Day. The question we get a lot when these bonuses get paid is what should you be doing with it?

By |2024-02-21T15:19:18+00:00February 22nd, 2024|Podcasts|Comments Off on What should I do with my Delta profit sharing bonus?

Crafting Investment Philosophies Around Retirement with Lee Hyder

We’re excited to bring on Lee Hyder of Lee Hyder & Associates today to share insights and stories from 30+ years of experience. Join us as we go back and forth on the highs and lows investors face, underscoring the need for resilience and a long-term outlook when building a portfolio for retirement.

By |2024-02-15T16:48:08+00:00February 12th, 2024|Podcasts|Comments Off on Crafting Investment Philosophies Around Retirement with Lee Hyder

Soaring Above Market Turbulence with Lee Hyder

We’re excited to bring on Lee Hyder of Lee Hyder & Associates today to share insights and stories from 30+ years of experience. Join us as we go back and forth on the highs and lows investors face, underscoring the need for resilience and a long-term outlook.

By |2024-01-25T13:39:43+00:00January 25th, 2024|Podcasts|Comments Off on Soaring Above Market Turbulence with Lee Hyder

Why Home Equity Isn’t As Valuable As Many Believe

Today’s lesson is all about pilots and home equity. The goal is to help teach you how to move away from broke mentalities and introduce you to ways that will help grow long-term wealth.

By |2024-01-11T14:55:38+00:00January 11th, 2024|Podcasts|Comments Off on Why Home Equity Isn’t As Valuable As Many Believe

Rethinking Your Survivor Benefit Options with Dave Befort

Many of the FedEx and UPS pilots still have a pension and they often ask what to do about the survivor benefits. Many of them are inclined to lean towards the 50% survivor benefit, but that’s not typically the best option.

By |2023-09-27T20:28:23+00:00September 28th, 2023|Podcasts|Comments Off on Rethinking Your Survivor Benefit Options with Dave Befort
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